Tuesday 25 March 2014

Mean girls, Gossip girl, social media and eating disorders?

Isolation becomes solitude.

So, if you have suffered from an eating disorder, you're most likely to agree with me when is mention that isolation is actually quite a wonderful thing
Not having to feel like someone is looking at your food or judging you
Not having to worry if someone notices how little you eat
Not having to worry if someone can hear you purge, or if they saw you binge
Oh yes its so lovely to make those around you  walk on eggshells because you're mood is unpredictable, and for them to be terrified of your eating every day because they know it's not right.
They know, despite how hard you try to hide it. People know.

Anyway, now you know that people know, it's time to reach out to them because they will happily accept your plea with open arms and loving warm heart. If you're underweight, trust me, that warmth is nice when you're cold all summer.

Okay so now for todays post!
The media, celebrities, thinspo and eating disorders.


Oh one of my great movie loves - Mean Girls. 
The ultimate portrayal of girl world, where to ruin someones life is to make them put on weight
I actually don't mind the portrayal of body image in this movie, I think the intention was not at all to promote thin, or perfect. It's a comedy and I like to believe it's as simple as that.
I've heard before how mean girls is not good for young girls, I can't disagree since i ended up with an eating disorder so technically i can't say 'i watched it as a young girl and turned out fine' but i strongly doubt that my eating issues stemmed from or where even heavily influenced by movies like mean girls. They actually show that girls self-criticise excessively, and that it shouldn't be such a big deal "I used to think there was just fat and skinny".

A show which receives quite a lot of debate about it's image of young girls is Gossip Girl, thin rich girls living lives full of lust, money and drama... oh don't try to deny it, if you're a girl you've watched it and probably love it just like the rest of us (if not, then i am sorry and i accept that i am not always right) 

The beautiful Blair 

suffers from bulimia early in the seasons, and what happens? 
Her loved ones reach out to her, she receives help, gets better and you never hear of it again!
People like to state 'oh come on, she didn't relapse! that's not a real portrayal of an eating disorder recovery' 
well actually, it is. 
Eating disorder's come in all shapes and forms and behaviours, just like recovery. May i remind you that in that episode, Blair was relapsing! So her recovery wasn't her first attempt, but it worked, she didn't binge or purge again that we know of and it showed that there is no shame or glamour in an eating disorder.

So how much is the media to blame for the body issues of female? Is it the media, or simply our culture.
If you study psychology, you will understand that there are multiple schools of thought and that there are both biological and cultural boundaries to the study of psychology. 
Is it our culture? What is it that shapes our culture? 
Are quotes such as "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" (Kate Moss) (which may have been taken out of context) and the portrayal of thin girls in the media what shapes our unrealistic goals.
Personally I believe what has a huge impact on body image is thinspo

Ah yes.

Good ol' tumblr and pinterest with their endless supply of thin, underweight, probably depressed and malnourished bodies to make 'thinspiration'
I actually can't stand it! I LOVE tumblr, have been using it on and off for about 4 years now, it's honestly got so much amazing potential if used correctly
using it to search or advertise pro-ana, pro-mia (promoting anorexia or bulimia) is not okay.

And stop scrolling through pages and pages and pages of food blogs instead of actually eating! Did you know that actually getting up off your starving ass to the fridge and getting some fruit/rice/tahini/hot chocolate will make the obsession with food go away?

Food is a biological necessity, stop feeling guilty for it because you think there is something beautiful about saying no and practicing your 'will power' when it comes to eating. There is no such thing as will power when it comes to nutrition and food, we need it, we eat it. Eat intuitively and if that means you eat less than that girl over there but 2x more than that boy there, then so be it. We all eat different amounts, and it's okay as long as we are not UNDERFEEDING ourselves and eating for our needs. You can not train your body to need a certain amount of energy!

Photo's like this the one above make me really quite angry. 

Saying 'no thank you' to food is weak! 
Listening to your eating disorder is weak... fighting it is strong.
Be strong and STOP looking at thinspo on pinterest or tumblr, because although i don't think the media is particularly to blame directly, i would be much more inclined to put a fair chunk of blame onto the individuals who make these images. If you make these images, don't. If you make them for yourself, don't share them at least. For god's sake promoting fatal and life consuming mental disorders is not cool.

Okay ran off into a little rant there

where was I... oh yes. The media.
It's a touchy subject, with a lot of controversy, personally i know a lot of people who are suffering and have suffered an eating disorder will say it has nothing to do with the media, but there is obviously some connection there no matter how small with looking at ourselves in the mirror after watching a movie full of skinny popular girls when we are 12, and not liking our puberty stricken bodies.

I do believe though that eating disorders are caused by a deeper issue, whether it be from the age of 2, 4, 7, 12 or 24. There are always underlying psychological and emotional issues to an eating disorder
With behaviours arising from issues with control in one's life, perfectionism, depression, suicidal thoughts, sexual abuse etc. 

So the media isn't to blame, we can't point fingers at these things - we can acknowledge that the media definitely affects both men and women's body-image and self-esteem negatively, but to say it causes a deep, disturbing psychological self-harm disorder is just trying to find an easy way out from discovering the more important, and terrifying truths of what caused your issues relating to food.

With that, i think i'll draw this week's post to a close.

If you agree, or disagree or would like me to focus on something specific feel free to leave a comment :) xx <3
- Sequoia. 

Wednesday 19 March 2014

During my eating disorder, I basically felt like i was dying... they say how sad cancer is, and I agree that it is horrible, but it's even sadder that people are choosing to kill themselves slowly and painfully over months, or years.
Going from a vibrant, pretty 53kg 16 year old who was complimented her whole life on her bubbly and enthusiastic personality and her intelligence slowly dissolved into a 38kg lifeless 17 year old void of any personality at all.
Lack of a personality, i don't mean i was just boring, i mean talking to me would have been like talking to a wall... i had no response because all i ever heard in my head was 'your body, food, don't eat, your body, but food'
I feel like this image, rather than showing the transformation in your body through anorexia and recovery, I feel this shows emotional and energy levels much more accurately.
Left photo - within the first week of recovery
Right photo - my formal, where i ate the food and drank the champagne and had an amazing night!
So, i'll get around to doing a post on the physical effects of an eating disorder, but this post I think i'll focus on the emotional ones.

 Feeling that life is pointless
Losing all desires for a future, or rather, all future seems unapproachable because well... what future is there for someone with an eating disorder? A life full of thoughts of food and body and nothing else, or death. A family becomes almost impossible to imagine because how can you love someone when all you can think about is yourself and what goes into your stomach?
 Feeling as though you will never feel positive or alive again.
Giving up basically all hope, being extremely judgmental of yourself and lacking any intrinsic motivation to complete any task or make any changes.
Food is such a huge desire yet off limits and exercise is seen as a punishment or a chore and treated like a form of torture on the body.

Unable to form appropriate emotions
Lashing out a lot, feeling constant emptiness accompanied by anger and irritability. This has a huge stress impact on your loved ones. I remember the look on my mothers face for months on end when i was at my sickest, looking back i realise she was constantly stepping on thin ice.

 Lacking all interest in academia and intellect
Spending entire 6 hour days at school looking at low calorie recipes, is not glamorous or fun at all.. it's a waste of cognitive function, oh wait... there is none of that because you're brain is so starved of nutrients it refuses to think of anything else except 'god dammit feed me!'

Emotional instability, crying for no reason, highs and lows... i don't even think i need to go into this one. Basically you never even know how you feel

I've been bombarded with study, so this is late and not as inclusive of all emotional impacts as i would have liked

next weeks post will be 'Why recovery?' and 'Where do i start?'

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Weekly posts beginning 17th March 2014! 

I will be posting once per week on Mondays from next week!
Please let me know which topics you would like me to discuss, and things that you believe will help you individually
I can provide recovery recipes, inspiration, guides, stories, life transformations, tips to do it by yourself as opposed to in a clinic or hospital, the benefits of clinic/hospital, how to communicate with your family and friends, how to address your fears, fear foods and more!

I look forward to being part of what is probably the most psychologically terrifying change you'll ever make, but it is also the most beautiful!

<3 <3


feel free to email me at @sequoiaap@gmail.com

*(I recognise the different eating disorders, the subtypes and personality types and promise not all my posts will refer specifically to Anorexia, but as a sufferer of both EDNOS and later Anorexia they will be my biggest focus)*

One particular realisation today made me decide that it was time to make this blog is that I appreciate life so much now! 
I am currently doing my first assessment for uni, which happens to be on eating disorders and the effect they have on overall fitness, health and wellness, particularly the later. It has made me really dig deep into the worst part of my life and pick it apart to try to smash this assessment, get myself and my group amazing grades and hopefully help people. I realised, how much i appreciated being alive today.
I could have died a little over a year ago, heart palpitations were my warning sign, my body indicated that it could quite easily shut down. I only suffered the depths of Anorexia for 6-8 months, a very short time compared to most but it was enough to do huge damage to my body.. which i am still healing from.
I appreciate the fact that i'm alive and i find it difficult to believe that i was in such a dark and destructive place for so long. When i look back on the person i was at that time, i want to cry and comfort myself, it was horrible and you're allowed to be scared but it's scarier being stuck in the dark than stumbling towards the light. The effect it had on my overall wellness, the occupational intellectual, physical, spiritual and emotional dimensions is devastating. Who would want to live like that? 
At one time, I did... and if you do, realise your ways - you're life could be so much more amazing if you let it. 

Emotionally, you become a dark and unfeeling being... I remember my first or second visit to my psychologist she asked me to draw my eating disorder, being a perfectionistic/high-achieving personality type, i put a lot of thought into this and never actually did it. 
The image though that stuck with me, was me in a dark room, even i was a shadow, trying to unlock a locked door, which had chains on the other side of it... No windows, no lights, a mildewed room, damp, cold stone. 

That was my reality throughout my eating disorder, that's how i remember it.

And when i began recovery? I described it to my mum as my banging hard on that door, it crashed down, then fire consumed the door way, i had to get through the fire, find my way out of the chains, and then run... and outside the tiny little square box of a room? Vast emptiness... i was determined to get out regardless and burnt that little box to the ground. 

Socially, it causes paranoia from social events involving food and inhibits the victims ability to form and maintain meaningful relationships. The effect on cognitive function causes a shut down on the brain because all it will focus on and think of is food because it NEEDS it, and won't let you forget it... this is the obsessive aspect of Anorexia.

Spiritually, i was always very connected to nature and am a Christian, i have never in my life been as distant from any spiritual activity as i was when i was in the midst of my disorder. I never bothered to ponder the meaning of life, because the meaning of life was... 'oh how many calories are this, oh crap! 300 calories for a snack?! that's all i eat in a day!' 

The cognitive effects meant that rather than studying during the beginning of my HSC (senior) year, i spent entire days at school, from when i got there to when i left looking at low calorie recipes and researching the symptoms of an eating disorder, or checking my BMI. My A average dropped to a C or a B, when i began recovery between Christmas and New year 2012, i contemplated dropping out of school when i only had 3 terms left. The weight of recovery was tremendous!

Occupationally, i couldn't work fast, i couldn't keep my mind on the job, i worked with food and tried to eat it whenever i got a chance, just a tiny bite of beetroot if no one was around! It was horrible...

Physically - well this one was painful. I suffered body dysmorphia and will admit that i still do, i have never truly been able to see my body for the way it actually is. I realise this when i look at photos from years ago and swear that i didn't actually look like that, because it's not what i saw at the time. 
I would have bruises on my thighs from my mattress when i slept, on my bum from sitting down, around my joints from the proximal distance between my bones and skin. I was cold, my developed that fine hair all over my body and felt like a monkey, it was not fun. If you're there right now, or trying to get there... you need to stop! Realise that having energy, having smooth skin, having colour in  your skin and life in your eyes is much more amazing. It's natural. Your beauty is a gift. 

So there we have it, an eating disorder negatively impacts each small dimension of wellness, so how can anyone POSSIBLY live like that? of course you're miserable if you're starving your cells of proper function. Studying Anatomy this year is also opening my eyes even more to the damage that we are doing to our bodies by not fuelling it effectively. 
As a recovered anoretic, who has since become a high carb vegan, i now sometimes each up to 4000 calories and my weights being stable... we need to fuel our bodies! It really does impact every other aspect of our life! 
I now feel amazing for what i eat, i am doing what is best for my body and the environment. It's not 'okay' to eat, it's a necessity. 
1200 calories is what a person in a coma needs to simply survive. 

If you need help recovering or want advice email me at sequoiaap@gmail.com 
xx <3