Sunday 7 September 2014

'Normal' + weight loss propaganda.

Do recovered ed patients have better relationships with food and body image than most?

I can never describe to someone who hasn't had an eating disorder what the constant fight and struggle is.
The scariest part of this for me is that even though I can't describe this accurately to someone, most people in our society do experience some form of an eating disorder simply through the weight loss industry and it's god damn awful propaganda. I'll let you in on a little secret, it's all lies.

The thing is though, I legitimately believe that a lot of people who have/had eating disorders and experience recovery actually have a much healthier relationship with both food and their body than most women in our society.  I actually worry about people all the time because 'diet' behaviour is so prominent, I have been concerned for friends and family... I hear what people say and it's so triggering and if it's triggering, it's usually along the lines of 'I need to eat less' or 'I need to go burn off these calories' - i recognise the disordered sentences, they don't, and that's scary.
If i hadn't of suffered the way i did then i would probably still be stuck in yo-yo dieting, feeling pressure to 'eat less' of something, or get that summer body, get that bikini body, join the next craze or 'fad' etc.
Okay, well considering i do still struggle yes it gets really hard sometimes seeing magazines, especially around summer... i usually just avoid magazines this time of year.
But honestly since recovery i have learnt SO MUCH, developed so much respect for both food and myself, i have a goal now to be more intuitive and to not let food be a big thing in my life.

People in our society are taught that associating food and guilt is normal and acceptable, that if you eat healthy then you are 'allowed' a scoop of ice-cream, or if you eat a certain way and exercise a certain amount then you 'earn' a 'cheat' meal. That if you are planning on going out to a big dinner or going to a party/feast to not eat lunch that day. Women are constantly following 'bikini body challenges', 'low-fat', 'low-carb', 'high-protein' or simply low calorie diets - YIKES!
Good bye sanity and hello damaged metabolisms and increased stress levels.

For people who experienced this in such a severe way that it nearly killed them, well they kind of see how foolish and stupid this all is.
Seriously media? 1500 calories? diet plans that suggest 1200 calories per day... 'here you go, have an eating disorder'
There are solid studies out there that show that eating disorders can come on simply by lowering the intake, it's a trigger to the switch, it makes you think about food, it spirals out of control because your brain can't function normally - and welcome to living hell.

Like, humans think they are SO SMART, they can go to university, get fancy jobs and drive fancy cars. We solve math equations and discover scientific phenomenon yet when it comes to something as simple and biologically vital as eating and hunger, we purposefully ignore our hunger, a vital thing for survival, a biological alarm - we are told to ignore it, we feel proud if we ignore it. We congratulate our free-will, feeling dainty for small eating salads and vegetables. W.T.F?
Hunger IS vital and should ALWAYS be honoured.

Managing your food, concerned about your weight, that your jeans are that tiny bit too tight - all normal worries in our society.
NO! - normal does not have the potential to lead to death by starvation, or to lead to binge and purge cycles. These things are not normal. Dieting is not normal. 

Summer is NOT a legitimate excuse to limit your food or ignore your physiology and vital needs
Pizza and chocolate does NOT = the devil 
Neither do your love handles or your cute butt!

I'd also just like to point out the whole western craze with 1200-1800 calorie diets.
They make no sense, in European schools they teach that an active woman needs at least 2400, the USDA supports this, even lightly active females sit at around 2200, Gwyneth Owlyn from YourEatopia links to research the average unwatched average is ~3000 calories.

This is a short rant on the topic, and just to encourage anyone attempting some crazy way to lose weight for summer to stop. Just stop. You want to repair your metabolism, you want to eat what you like and exercise the way you want for as long as you WANT. Put away the food scales and the bathroom scales, say hello to freedom and goodbye to dieting fads or low calorie diets. Low calories = internal damage and unhappiness. 

*disclaimer: I am not encouraging you to go and eat junk food for every meal, or to eat to stages of discomfort. I am a huge advocate for taking away the concern of eating 'wrong', i believe in eating healthy and intuitively BUT if you crave chocolate or some hot chips/fries to go for it! My favourite at the moment is nachos (without cheese for ethical reasons) corn chips + salsa + avocado = perfection.

Next post with draw on the disclaimer more with a focus on intuitive eating.

-Sequoia <3 xx

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